Top Nine Ways to Protect Your Hair Color

Doesn’t everyone want to keep the look of fresh salon color for as long as they can? No one wants to start feeling like their locks are dull and lifeless before their next touch up appointment. The key to keeping that color vibrant is how you take care of it at home! Here we are going to let you in on some industry proven tips to help you looking your best between salon appointments.

Say Goodbye to Sulphates.

Washing your hair with a sudsy sulphate filled shampoo is a sure fire way to fade your hair color faster. By switching out shampoos to one that is a color safe, gentle formula is one of the easiest things you can do to preserve your tone and minimize fading. We like to recommend KEVIN.MURPHY washes like HYDRATE.ME and REPAIR.ME due to both of them strengthening the hair and adding moisture back in, while gently cleansing the hair. Another great option that can be added in to your cleansing routine is RE.STORE which is a cleansing conditioner treatment that can be used every third wash to protect and treat your hair in place of your normal shampoo and conditioner.


Make Sure Your Cuticles Are Sealed.

The use of mildly acidic products help to seal down the hair cuticle, and by doing this it helps to lock in the color resulting in smoother, shinier strands, and longer lasting color. The leave in treatment STAYING.ALIVE has a low pH level that is between 4.5 and 5.5, making it a perfect option to use after the shower to smooth, seal, and protect your hair.

Repair Your Hair.

When your hair becomes drier or damaged from heat styling or environmental factors, it becomes more porous and vulnerable to color fade. To keep your hair healthy you can opt for in salon treatments, or you can indulge in a little self care at home and use a masque once a week. This is extremely important for us in South Florida because salt water and chlorine are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to color loss. By adding in a deep conditioning treatment like YOUNG.AGAIN.MASQUE to your hair care routine, you can really help fight the effects our daily wear and tear have on our hair.

Add In a Daily Dose of Shine. 

Smooth and shiny hair is more right reflective, which helps to make your color really pop and keep it from looking dull. Using a shine enhancing product like SHIMMER.SHINE is a perfect way to spray in a light weight treatment oil and light reflective mica to enhance the hairs luster and repair previous damage.

Watch Your Tone! 

Let’s be honest, most of us blondies were not born this way or have shall we say, enhanced our blonde as we have gotten older. If that color isn’t growing out of your head, you need a little extra help maintaining a non-brassy look between appointments. Violet based products can work wonders when it comes to brightening and toning your blonde, but not all are created equal. BLONDE.ANGEL.WASH and BLONDE.ANGEL Color enhancing treatment are non drying, and gentle on the hair. On top of banishing those yellowy tones, they don’t build up on the hair and dull out your color either.

Don’t Wash Away Your New Color.

Not washing your hair every day is one of the best ways to preserve your color. In order to keep second, or even third day hair looking it’s best and feeling fresh we suggest using a dry shampoo like FRESH.HAIR to absorb oil and help to deodorize the hair. This trick will help extend your color and your blowouts, and we all could use the extra time in the mornings!

Always Use Protection.

Everywhere you look these days people are rocking loose curls, beach waves, and texture. Or maybe you are naturally curly and like a more sleek look and can’t imagine life without a flat iron? You aren’t alone, but we have a way to help you from harming your harm with repeated heat exposure! To protect your hair from thermal damage and color fading, use a thermal protectant before styling, and try to use a lower heat setting. Most people do not need to have their irons above 350 degrees. We love HEATED.DEFENSE and EVER.SMOOTH as two different options of thermal protection.

Be Mindful of Sun Exposure.

It might seem counter intuitive, but the if you are looking to care for your “I just got back from vacationing on a tropical island” balayage or highlights, the best way to do that is to protect your hair from the sun. The UV rays from the sun wreak havoc on color, leaving it brassy or bleached out looking. You can help to minimize this by spritzing some UN.TANGLED on your hair before heading out to the beach or the pool, and make sure to wear a hat! Your hair, and your skin will thank you.

Stick To Your Roots. 

For the biggest impact with the least amount of maintenance and wear and tear to your hair, try to stay within two shades of your natural color. This will in turn provided more gentle fade, and the least noticeable regrowth between appointments.